Jake Malcott, Highway Superintendent

Email: JakeHannibalHighway@gmail.com

Term ends 12/31/2025

Phone: 315-564-6147 (Office)

Hannibal Highway Department

68 Cemetery Dr, Hannibal, NY 13074

Roads and Right of Way: The Highway Department has been finding obstructions in the Town’s right of way that are not permitted. Planting trees, rocks, or fencing is not permitted in the Town’s Right of Way. Please do not place such items in the right of way as they are subject to being removed by the Highway Department.

Winter Parking Rules: In effect from  November 1st – April 1st: No parking on any road or highway between the hours of 1 A.M. and 6 A.M. This will allow road crews to safely and effectively plow and maintain roads.

Snowplows & Driving: When the snow comes please allow extra driving time. Clear all snow from your vehicle including headlights and tail lights. Give plow drivers plenty of room to do their job of snow removal. Cars are not always visible especially up close to the rear of the plow trucks. Give them space. Please be smart and safe this coming snow season.

Snow Removal and Placement: Another snow reminder – New York Vehicle and Traffic Law and New York State Highway Law prohibit depositing any snow upon the highway or its shoulders. This includes pushing snow across a highway or into a cul-de-sac.

Snow Plows & Mailboxes: Mailboxes are located in the Town’s Right of Way and the Town is not legally responsible for damage to them.

Nelson Hawkins, Deputy Highway Superintendent